
Saturday 16 February 2013

DVD Review: Pilates for Dummies

As part of no-run February I am experimenting with different types of exercise that I wouldn't have tried before - one of them being Pilates.

I had a voucher that I hadn't used yet, so I bought this DVD from Pilates for Dummies.

Because let's face it, I am a bit of a Dummy.
I'm loving Pilates at the moment, pretty much because it works me out without putting pressure on my ankle.

This DVD has 18 exercises, and is about 25 minutes from start to finish (35 if you decide to sit through the intro).

As a workout DVD, it's great. The host, Michelle, is really friendly, supportive and is excellent at explaining the movements clearly. Being used to the tough love of Jillian, Michelle's patience and encouragement came as a bit of shock! You can see an example of her loveliness in the video clip below:

But how is it as an actual workout? For me, it's not challenging enough. I think this DVD is aimed at people who are maybe a little bit older, or are completely new to exercise. Don't get me wrong, I do get a little knot in my stomach that I get as a result of most ab workouts, but I just don't get the same kind of satisfying burn that I get when I am lifting weights or doing crunches with Jillian. One of my friends has recommended Blogilates for more challenging stuff, so I am going to give that a go next.

Meanwhile, I have recommended this DVD to my Mum. As she's a bit older, I think this DVD will be perfect for her, plus she'll benefit from the crystal clear instruction.

Think Pilates for Dummies is for you? Feel free to ask me any questions about it in the comments section!

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