
Thursday 29 March 2012

Sniffles and other moans...

Okay so I know I've been fairly quiet of late, but I have a real honest reason, I promise you.

I've been ill. :( Yes, AGAIN.

That's right. PITY ME.

That brings my grand total of sickness up to 3 colds and 1 chest infection.

In the last two months.

I mean, come on immune system, can you make at least SOME effort?

So I missed my long training last weekend and spent it curled up in bed instead. I rarely let colds stop my day-to-day life, but after four of the blighters I thought I'd better take the hint.

I'm all better now, thank goodness. Hopefully that's my unlucky run over, but who knows? I've got a pump of Vick's First Defence and a bottle of multivitamins in my bag at all times now just in case, and I avoid sneezy people like the plague. I really can't afford any more breaks in my training.

Meanwhile, Mr MFC has been dealt a rather devastating blow this week. He has been diagnosed with exterior tendonitis, which is doctor-speak for "your foot's fucked". As a result, he may have to drop out of the Rock 'n' Roll half marathon.

I'm kind of gutted, because it was going to be our first race together and now it's looking like he can't do it. I'll need to think long and hard about whether I want drop out of it as well, because the last thing I want to do is rub his injury in his face by running a race that he wanted to do. Hum. We'll see.

So yeah, with sickness and injury it's not been a great week in the MFC house. Here's hoping the next couple of weeks are better.

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