
Wednesday 3 April 2013

New Beginnings

I freaking love April.

Winter is well and truly behind us (well, in theory), the mornings are getting lighter, the days are getting warmer and I am feeling good.

Screw new year's resolutions - resolving to make a change for spring is where it's at, and here's why: there is a kind of hope attached to spring breaking that cannot be found at any other time of the year. With new blooms appearing, and the sunrise ready to greet me when I get up in the morning, it feels like the whole planet is awaking from a six month slumber.

Don't get me wrong, my ankle isn't completely better, but it is the best time of the year to start a new training plan. I went out for my first run yesterday in over two months, and boy it felt good.

Well, at the time. About 10 hours later the dreaded and inevitable DOMS set in (you know, when those muscles you haven't been using for a while go "remember us?!") so I've been walking like John Wayne most of the day, but I know it will pass.

The main concern is my ankle. I don't know if it is true or not, but a trainer once told me that the pressure equal to 8x your body weight passes through your foot every stride you take on a run. That's quite a hammering. So, I am starting out really really easy, only 15 minutes at a time, and then building up from there. The flare ups are to be expected, but I am trying to minimise them as much as I can.

In the meantime, so far so good. I'll keep you posted.

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