
Sunday 2 September 2012


I really only have myself to blame. Yup, my ankle is playing up again.

I went on it too much, too soon, and now I am suffering the consequences. Again. Sigh.

So its back to cross training, which means more bikes (YAWN) and more upper body focus than you can shake a stick at. I'll start looking like Jodie Marsh if I'm not careful *shudder*

Image via
Okay, okay, not quite. But still, I'm sitting here on the couch looking longingly out at the wonderful sunshine and wishing I could go out for a dash.

All is not lost though, I've been using this injury to get into my swimming again. There's a pool near where I live that has recently reopened after a fairly hefty refurbishment, and I must admit it really is quite nice. I went with Mr MFC this morning and busted out a few lengths, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The pool opens really early too, so I might be able to get a couple of pre-work sessions in later in the week, assuming that my ankle doesn't decide to get its act together.

Ho hum, anyway we'll see.

Oh yeah - one more thing. I'm logging again.

Sorry folks, but my holiday blow out has kind of caught up with me, and early last week I hit what I call my "alarm bell" weight, which is basically 5lbs over my target.

Yes yes, it was probably all water weight. In fact, I KNOW it was mostly water weight because after only a week I have nearly lost it all again, but I still think I need to step back into line a bit.

Everything had been going really well up until the holiday though, so logging again is just a temporary measure to get me back down where I want to be. Once I've done that, I'll be back off it again. Hopefully for good.

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